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School Integrated Program

General Instructions:

Read the following instructions carefully.

1 . Total duration of the examination is 60 Mins
2.  All questions are compulsory.
3.  This exam has 4 sections. Each section has 15 Questions.

4.  Total questions: 60 and Maximum marks: 240. Details are below

Sr No. Section Name No. of Question Maximum Marks Negative Marks Positive Marks
1 Biology 15 60 1 4
2 Physics 15 60 1 4
3 Chemistry 15 60 1 4
4 Aptitude 15 60 1 4


Please fill out the required details.

1 / 60

Category: Biology

If a round, green seeded pea plant (RRyy) is crossed with wrinkled, yellow seeded pea plant (rrYY), the seeds produced in F1 generation are:

2 / 60

Category: Biology

According to cell theory: 

3 / 60

Category: Biology

The image shows a surgical method in females to prevent pregnancy.

Which event will be likely prevented from this method?

4 / 60

Category: Biology

Assertion: Food chains generally consist of only three or four steps.

Reason: Our food grains such as wheat and rice, vegetable and fruits and even meat contain varying amounts of pesticides.

5 / 60

Category: Biology

Kitchen wastes can be hygienically disposed of through

6 / 60

Category: Biology

The cell organelle involved in forming Complex Sugars from simple sugars are:

7 / 60

Category: Biology

Observe the given diagram and answer the incorrect statement:

8 / 60

Category: Biology

Choose the event that does not take place during photosynthesis?

9 / 60

Category: Biology

Find out the wrong statement from the following

10 / 60

Category: Biology

_____________ and ____________ are the parts of a flower that contain germ cells.

11 / 60

Category: Biology

Study the given figure and select the correct statement:

12 / 60

Category: Biology

Which statement shows the interaction of an abiotic component with a biotic component in an ecosystem?

13 / 60

Category: Biology

Choose the incorrect statement from the following:

14 / 60

Category: Biology

Which of the following is a false statement?

15 / 60

Category: Biology

Choose the correct statement that describes arteries:

16 / 60

Category: Physics

The north pole of a long bar magnet was pushed slowly into a short solenoid connected to a galvanometer. The magnet was held stationary for a few seconds with the north pole in the middle of the solenoid and then withdrawn rapidly. The maximum deflection of the galvanometer was observed when the magnet was:

17 / 60

Category: Physics

The heat produced in a wire of resistance 'x' when a current 'y' flows through it in time 'z' is given by:

18 / 60

Category: Physics

An iron sphere of mass 10kg has the same diameter as an aluminum sphere of mass is 3.5kg. Both spheres are dropped simultaneously from a tower. When they are 10m above the ground, they have the same:

19 / 60

Category: Physics

Two cells of 3V each are connected in parallel. An external resistance of 0.5Ω is connected series to the junction of two parallel resistors of 4Ω and 2Ω and then to the common terminal of the battery through each resistor as shown in figure. What is the current flowing through the 4Ω resistor?

20 / 60

Category: Physics

In the following circuits (Figure), heat produced in the resistor or combination of resistors connected to a 12V battery will be:

21 / 60

Category: Physics

If the direction of electric current in a solenoid when viewed from a particular end is anticlockwise, then this end of solenoid will be:

22 / 60

Category: Physics

A body of mass 6kg immersed in water partially. If the body displaces 100g of water, then the apparent weight of the body is:

23 / 60

Category: Physics

A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin which falls behind him. It means that motion of the train is:

24 / 60

Category: Physics

Three different circuits (I, II and III) are constructed using identical batteries and resistors of R and 2R ohm. What can be said about the current ‘I’ in arm AB of each circuit.




25 / 60

Category: Physics

Which of the following statements is incorrect regarding magnetic field lines?

26 / 60

Category: Physics

The colour of scattered light depends on.

27 / 60

Category: Physics

An electric fuse works on the

28 / 60

Category: Physics

The day is longer on the earth by about 4 minutes because:

29 / 60

Category: Physics

When a rubber balloon held between the hands is pressed, its shape changes. This happens because:

30 / 60

Category: Physics

To find the height of a building, a student is following the steps as given below. The sequence of the steps are:

i)  Follows the relation h =gt2/2
ii) Simultaneously, a clock starts.
iii)  Stops the clock as the stone lands on the ground.
iv) Drops a stone from the top of the building.

31 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Oxidation involves

(i) gain of electron
(ii) loss of electron
(iii) addition of oxygen or electronegative element
(iv) removal of hydrogen or electropositive element

32 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the statements about the reaction,

ZnO + CO → Zn + CO2 is correct?

33 / 60

Category: Chemistry

In extraction of copper, the flux used is

34 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Identify ‘x’, ‘y’ and ‘z’ in the following balanced reaction

35 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following involves a combination of two elements ?

36 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following is correct?

37 / 60

Category: Chemistry

An aqueous solution turns red litmus solution blue. Excess addition of which of the following solution would reverse the change?

38 / 60

Category: Chemistry

The formula of Ammonium phosphate is

39 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following statements about the given reaction are correct?
3Fe(s) + 4H2O(g) → Fe3O4(g) + 6H2(g)

(i) Iron metal is getting oxidised
(ii) Water is getting reduced
(iii) Water is acting as reducing agent
(iv) Water is acting as an oxidising agent

40 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Chlorine reacts with saturated hydrocarbons at room temperature in the

41 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

42 / 60

Category: Chemistry

A functional group mainly determines the

43 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following are exothermic processes?

(i) Reaction of water with quicklime
(ii) Dilution of an acid
(iii) Evaporation of water
(iv) Sublimation of camphor (crystals)

44 / 60

Category: Chemistry

Which of the following are chemical changes?

(i) Decaying of wood
(ii) Burning of wood
(iii) Sawing of wood
(iv) Hammering of a nail into a piece of wood

45 / 60

Category: Chemistry

An electrolytic cell consists of:

(i) positively charged cathode
(ii) negatively charged anode
(iii) positively charged anode
(iv) negatively charged cathode

46 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Three positions of a dice are given below. Identify the number on the face opposite to 6.

47 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Study the following information carefully to answer the question.

1. 'A $ B' means 'A is the mother of B'.
2. 'A # B’ means 'A is the father of B'.
3. 'A @ B' means 'A is the husband of B'.
4. 'A % B' means 'A is the daughter of B'.

If F@D%K#H, then how is F related to H?

48 / 60

Category: Aptitude

If 'GERMANY' is written as '7, 5, 18, 13, 1, 14, 25', how can 'FRANCE' be written in that code?

49 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Choose the best alternative 6 : 18 :: 4 : ?

50 / 60

Category: Aptitude


51 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Sohan introduces Mohan as the son of the only brother of his father's wife. How is Mohan related to Sohan?

52 / 60

Category: Aptitude

A is the father of C and D is the son of B. E is the brother of A. if C is the sister of D, how is B related to E?

53 / 60

Category: Aptitude

In the following question, one number is wrong in the series. Find out the number. 385, 462, 572, 396, 427, 671, 264

54 / 60

Category: Aptitude

If the day before yesterday was Saturday, what day will fall on the day after tomorrow?

55 / 60

Category: Aptitude

1.12.91 is the first Sunday. Which is the fourth Tuesday of December 91?

56 / 60

Category: Aptitude

If 'blue' is called 'green', 'green' is called 'white', 'white' is called 'red', 'red' is called 'black',

then what is the colour of sky?

57 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Study the given relationship and complete the following analogies from the two sets of options given.

Square is to (i), as Circle is to (ii)

(i) [A] Rectangle [B] Cube [C] Cuboid [O] Triangle
(ii) [W] Ellipse [X] Ellipsoid [Y] Sphere [X] Line

58 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Study the following information carefully and answer the question given below:

  1. 'pa ki top ma' means 'Usha is playing cards'.
  2. 'kop ja ki ma' means 'Asha is playing tennis'.
  3. 'ki top sop ha' means 'they are playing football'.
  4. 'pa sur kop' means 'card and tennis'.

Which of the following represents 'tennis' in that language?

59 / 60

Category: Aptitude

Find the day of the week on 26 January, 1950

60 / 60

Category: Aptitude

How many numbers from 11 to 50 are there which are exactly divisible by 7 but not divisible by 3?

Jodo Gyan

Mathematics is commonly perceived as a complex and abstract subject. However, there's a growing consensus that this perception is largely due to the traditional emphasis on rote learning of procedures and rules. By adopting a different approach, we can make the learning process more meaningful and engaging for children.

Jodogyan is an approach where the learning activities begin from the world of children – from stories, games, and contexts connected to their lives and each activity has a motivating purpose for children.

The ultimate goal is to create a learning-through-practice experience for children, fostering a crystal-clear grasp of these concepts while enhancing their cognitive abilities. Central to this approach are group activities that facilitate constructive discussions, collaborative learning, and exposure to diverse problem-solving strategies, all contributing to a comprehensive and lucid understanding of mathematics.

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Google Ecosystem

We're all about using Google tools to enhance the way we teach and learn. Our dedicated teachers receive special training to become experts at using Google tools. It's like giving them superpowers to make education more fun and interesting. We've got these amazing mobile labs with Google Chromebooks that make learning hands-on and interactive. Students and teachers can explore, create, and learn together with ease. It's our way of making education accessible and enjoyable for everyone, thanks to the incredible world of Google tools.

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Scotle has collaborated with Mindsprings to rethink and change the English language teaching process to suit Indian children’s needs and aspirations.

Mindsprings is a thought leader in English language education. They publish textbooks to help students learn to speak and write the English language. They also provide training sessions to the teachers to enhance their skills.

We are unique in that we aggressively follow a set of logical thinking premises in formulating strategies based on the nature of the child and his/her natural learning processes. Our curriculum follows VFC (Volume, Frequency, and Context )pedagogy to layer the concept year after year (Grades I to VIII).

We have customized syllabus based on a dynamic process of observation and need. The learning of the child is paramount and our differentiation methods are bold, original, and protean. Success is measurable in the competencies, behaviors, and attitudes of children to learn the language.

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The Olympiad examination encourages students to develop a routine of consistent practice and revision, allowing them to stay closely connected with their academic curriculum. This not only enriches their regular studies but also elevates their comprehension to a higher level. Engaging in these practices aids in the enhancement of cognitive skills such as logical reasoning, analytical thinking, and comprehensive understanding. While preparing for school-level Olympiad exams, students not only learn effective time management but also gain a greater appreciation for their own skill set. Students invest their efforts in a subject of personal interest, resulting in a significant boost to their self-esteem and an increase in their confidence. Through rigorous testing and assessments, they refine their understanding and establish a strong foundation in their chosen topic of interest.

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IC3 (International Career and College Counseling)

We encourage our educators to upskill their knowledge through IC3 (International Career and College Counseling). Our educators are engaging in programs offered by IC3 to elevate their expertise in career and college counseling. We are dedicated to helping students find the right career path through education that will lead to fulfilled, happy, and productive lives. We aim to offer guidance to young minds, assisting them in making informed choices and decisions in their journey of life.

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Venturing into the world of adventure sports and endless fun, with RockSport Adventures. A renowned adventure and campaign group, redefining education for Scotle High School students. RockSport Adventures, committed to fostering teamwork, leadership, and self-confidence through outdoor activities, complements our holistic approach perfectly.

Through this partnership, students gain access to an array of adventure-based programs, aligning with our academic curriculum. From rock climbing to outdoor IC3

leadership workshops, the experiences are both enriching and fun.

For a glimpse into this exciting journey, visit RockSport Adventures. Together, we're shaping a generation of dynamic, confident, and empowered individuals, taking education to new heights.

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India Spell Bee

We believe in providing the students with exposure and a larger platform to hone their skills. So, we host a Spell Bee Contest for students in Grades I to IX, in collaboration with India Spelling Bee. It is a renowned platform for students. Participating in the Spell Bee Contest offers a multitude of advantages that go beyond simply correct spelling. It nurtures language skills, enriches vocabulary, and supports cognitive growth in our students. Moreover, it bolsters their capacity to critically examine word structures, origins, and meanings, ultimately enhancing their overall language comprehension. Stay tuned for more information on this exciting event right here on our school website.

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STEM School Highlands Ranch Denver

STEM is an umbrella term used to group together the distinct but related technical disciplines of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. High-quality STEM education is a global prerequisite for individual development and participation in a technology-driven world. It enhances critical thinking, problem-solving, and the ability to innovate openly and responsibly shaping the future.

To bring about a successful transformation in education, teachers play a crucial role. Our project, "Design Thinking in STEM," is a problem-solving approach that emphasizes empathy, collaboration, creativity, and iterative prototyping. It focuses on two specific target groups at the outcome level: teachers, acting as "agents of change," create an environment that encourages creativity and cultivates an innovative mindset among young learners.

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Sunday Bricks

At Scotle we have been actively organizing Six Brick Sessions in collaboration with Sunday Bricks, a unique and engaging program designed to develop a range of crucial skills in our students. These sessions focus on teamwork and creativity using six DUPLO bricks, which have proven to be a powerful learning tool.

These sessions not only involve building intricate LEGO structures but also serve as a platform for enhancing crucial skills. From developing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills to fostering communication, teamwork, and concentration, these activities go beyond the classroom. Students also refine their listening skills and learn the art of successful collaboration through team tasks. We eagerly anticipate further growth and development as they continue to participate in these sessions.

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